Daily Prayer 329, 2022

Dear Lord, You are the God who sees us, and yet we can still run to You. We need You to do in us what we cannot do for ourselves. Please remove any mountain of pride or valley of despair that would keep us from welcoming You into our lives.

Grant me that desire to spend time in your presence always. Help me to hear your call and to turn down the world’s volume so that I can hear it. Dwell with me., Lord.

Let my words today build up someone for Your glory. Help us not to fall into temptation. And, help us to encourage each other each and everyday, for the greater glory of Your Kingdom.



A Christian Faith based Organisation in Kenya, a family sharing a common Faith. Celebrating and journeying together in *FAITH* , to spread message far and to many by PRAYERS, DEVOTIONS, DAILY BIBLE REFLECTIONS, CHURCH AND FAITH TEACHINGS, SPIRITUAL AND INSPIRATION QUOTES. Inspired by living as a religious person. Organisation keeps you in prayers on daily, and support the best at the point and encourage you to be part of believers and people of Good will. FOUNDED 9TH September 2015. “May the darkness of sin and the night of unbelief vanish before the light of the Word and the Spirit of grace. And may the heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all people” (St. Arnold Janssen). {© Admin: Chrisantus Ayura}

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